Treasure Hunt

Yesterday I participated in the inaugural Treasure Hunt: a day long event where six teams from different companies in Muscat frantically rushed around the city solving riddles. I was lucky enough to get to play.

Dar-Al-Atta, a charity organization in Muscat, organized the event which was based at the stunning Shangri-la Hotel. As always, it was a beautiful day. 


Let the games begin!


Everyone stressing out & waiting for the challenges to begin!


We got to cruise around the city in some very flash new Jeeps, since they sponsored the event.


This was our ride for the day.


Our first challenge was at the National Hospitality Institute (NHI). They had us don hair nets and hop into the kitchen to create a meal a la Iron Chef. We crushed that challenge and made an omelette in about five minutes.


Later, Oman Sail had us to put together a sail boat.


One of our final challenges was to make a bed.


I don’t know if anyone would get hired by the Shangri-la hotel staff with these sub-par skills (look at those corners!!!). But at least they tried, and probably won’t quit their day jobs.

Treasure Hunt teams

This image of all of the teams is from Shangri-la’s Facebook

We didn’t end up winning, but it was non-stop excitment for five hours straight. And that’s nothing to complain about.

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